Individual Investor Programme (IIP)

By virtue of LN47 of 2014 the Government of the Republic of Malta grants naturalization by investment, (after a rigid and thorough due diligence process) to reputable individuals and their dependants who make a significant contribution to the social and economic development of the country.

The IIP allows for the grant of citizenship by a certificate of naturalization to foreign individuals and their families who contribute to the economic development of Malta. Currently the Programme is open to 1,800 main applicants.


(a) Contribution to Malta (see table below); and
(b) Purchase property in Malta (minimum value of Euro350,000) or rental of property in Malta (minimum lease of Euro16,000 per annum) – to be kept for at least 5 years; and
(c) Investment in Malta (minimum investment of Euro150,000 in certain stocks, bonds, debentures); and
(d) Hold “residence status” in Malta for a minimum period of 12 months.


Dependants of the main applicant may also apply for citizenship under this Programme. The term “Dependants” includes the following relatives of the main applicant:

(a) Spouse;
(b) Children (under 18);
(c) Unmarried Children aged between 18 and 26 where maintained by applicant;
(d) Children of any age if mentally or physically challenged and live with applicant;
(e) Parents and/or grandparents aged over 55 and maintained by applicant.





Main Applicant

€ 650,000

€ 7,500


€ 25,000

€ 5,000

Children (under 18)

€ 25,000

€ 3,000

Children (18 – 26)

€ 50,000

€ 5,000


€ 50,000

€ 5,000

Our services are carried out by the following entities:
Trustforte Fiduciary Ltd, is a company incorporated in Malta and authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to act as: a professional Trustee in terms of the Trust and Trustees Act; an administrator of foundations in accordance with the Second Schedule to the Civil Code; and a service provider of other fiduciary services.

Core Audit & Assurance Ltd is a company incorporated in Malta and approved by the Accountancy Board under the provisions of the Accountancy Profession Act to provide accounting and audit services.